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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Calling those with Combination Skin

After doing a specific write-up for those with seriously dry skin, it seems only fair that we roll out a series of posts about the provisions we have for other skin types – ageing, oily, sensitive, but firstly  (drumroll please) combination skin.

I find that choosing a cream for combination skin can be a lucky dip, as some manufacturers see ‘combination’ as a license to make any kind of product they feel like. I have nonetheless persevered, and whittled two products out of the woodwork that are perfectly tailored to combination skin.

I should save the best until last, but I can’t wait, I’m putting it in here first – Lavera Mattifying Balance Cream with Organic Calendula andOrganic Ginger. It is The Winner. Calendula is an ages-old skin tonic, balancing and regenerating, and ginger is … well… usually it’s just my favourite flavour of tea, but here it brings its vitamin-rich zing to purify and stabilise your unstable skin. Advertised for ‘normal and combination skin’, this cream is pretty robust. You know you’ve used moisturiser, but it isn’t sticky on your skin, the texture is full and creamy but not rich or too thick. The perfect balance for a balancing cream. The scent is also good - fresh and natural, but not herby, minty, or rosy, as most of these things seem to be!

Next, a lovely niche product for sensitive combination skin. It can be so tricky if you tick two boxes to find a product tailored to you, but oh-so-thoughtful Weleda has, as ever, provided. Their Almond SoothingFacial Lotion (not to be confused with their cream of a similar name) is fragrance free and Natrue certified, so very gentle on delicate skin. It also stabilises the lipid mantle (i.e. sorts out the combination issues of combination skin) and, meanwhile, moisturises. If this matches your skin type, look no further.

That’s all for today, folks, but watch this space with baited breath if you have ageing, oily, or sensitive skin – you’re next!

(And if you just can’t wait, have a look for yourself at the moisturisers on our website, and drop me any questions about your skincare here.)